Well the comic show is over! (yahooo!!) Took place over at the Stephenson center over in rosemont il area! This year didnt seem like a huge show. I didnt see as much traffic as i usually see from past cons. Maybe cause its too close to San diego. Well i feel relief that the show is over! Stayin up late and running around headless can really be a bother.(try it sometime!) I think the show went well! i did get to draw character sketchs for those who asked. (thank you all who ask!:)) The products that was presented did well like the SOFA KINGDOM COMICS, POSTERS, PINS . The variant Zombie comic sold. I was really happy about that. The flip book Outcast/ Hellriders book did so/so. On my end of presenting it to customers. I showed it as something for more mature audience. I got present my first sketchbook this conventions as well! I have to give a big thanks to Davids brother in law for buying the sketch book. I felt really greatful for him pickin it up! i owe that guy big!! That whole weekend eating habbits suck big time. I did have my sister adela come to the show and bring me fresh fruits and water to clean out my system from the nasty mc donalds in take! yuck!!! :( ive been detoxin for the last few days with spinach salads and fruits and water. to flush that stuff out of my system. I think mc donalds should have a warning...
On the last day of the con i woke up with the sense of depression and abit anger. I feel like this each year on the sundays of every show. I get dress and go to the convention in as a group effort. Not blaming nobody for mistakes. But blame my own. Im switching gears for the next show to just push my own product and my own samples. Im still determine to make SOFA KINGDOM a house hold name. Its just i have to focus me.
Its always great to be part of something. But if your the only idiot puttin a major precentage in the group. And to those who arent doing nothing but sittin and blamin there problems on you ! well then theres something wrong. I think im ready to just move on with stuff. Not getting younger. Can't be tryin to help out everybody.
Well heres to next show. with new ideas! Samples to pass around. ohh and my own table tooo! still handsome! Just more for me to go around! ;)
R.I.P Mike Wieringo!
You where a big influnces with your work in the field of animation style comics and for the two time i did meet you! Youve been kind to talk to me and sketch a spidey pix for me as well!