Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I finished my character designs last night of The TURKEY CONFERENCE ( last blog posted) and my client and his agency where very pleased with my work and speed. Actually im pretty suprised at myself. Im one not to give myself enough credit or believing that my work is presentable. So thats why i was suprised. I even get abit nervous on pricing my work. I tend to under price and walk away kickin myself in the ass. But lately ive been pricing my work at well... decent price and my clents havent argue a change. I wonder and sure alot of you artist out there would understand. I dont expect non artist to understand.

its cool! enough of this titty blogshit! Im just happy and relieved and im lookin forward to workin on my next illustration gig! Actually its for a friends novel . Im hyped and curious of the outcome of my work. im going for the vector art route for this one and i hope my friend enjoys.

As a warm up for starting my new project im using yet again adobe illustrator and i did a random character in space. im playin with colors lalely too. Inspired by ol CHUCK JONES CARTOONS and my cute lil nephew diego.

1 comment:

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